Depth of Space
Amacı uzayın derinliklerini keşfetmek olan ´Depth of Space´ adlı eTwinning projemizin mayıs ayı itibariyle çalışmaları başarılı bir şekilde sonlandırmıştır.
2017-2018 eğitim öğretim yılında okulumuzda yürütücülüğünü Fen Bilimleri Öğretmeni Burçin Çelik´in yaptığı Depth of Space adlı eTwinning projesi Haziran ayı itibariyle çalışmalarını sonlandırmıştır.Amacı uzayın derinliklerini keşfetmenin yanı sıra bilgiyi anlamak için yabancı dili kullanmak,kendi fikirlerini paylaşmak ve iletişim kurmak,Avrupa vatandaşları ve kültürleri ile tanışmak,Web 2.0 araçlarını bir eğitim aracı olarak kullanmak diğer proje ortakları ile Twinspace aracılığı ile iletişim kurmak olan projemize ait çalışmalarımıza aşağıdaki linklerden ulaşabilirsiniz.
Project website :
Project facebook group :
project final video:
our project calendar :
storybook: virtual photo gallery:
Project Activities
September:Meeting teachers To create and introduce your Project team To introduce your school Using the Basic Space Concepts, create a word cloud with the TAGUL web tool. Poster Contest on ´What does space mean for you´ - Your pupils prepare posters using the ´Canvas, Postermywall´ web tools or ´hand skills´.The posters are uploaded to the collaborative workspace and voted on using the 'poll-maker 'tool to select the best posters.
October:Creating a slogan about our project with the ´Recite,Textgram or Quotes´ web tools. Provide photographs of pupils observing the night sky. Display the photos on the school clipboard. Use to Survey Monkey and do a survey about 'Space ' Meeting with Online Meeting
November: A video about the moonis prepared. Show the lunar eclipse in the classroom environment.(You can use 1 lantern (sun), a small ball (moon), medium ball (world) materials and either round fruits.)
December:Looking at To Prepare Solar System Model (Waste materials, rope, paper, cardboard, ball, etc. are made using the Solar System model and written on the name of each piece.) Compare the size of the planets in the solar system Using Fruits and Vegetables.
January-February:New year greeting cards on space will be prepared by matching partners to send cards to each other The planets in the solar system will be shared with the partners to prepare the New Year Calendar, and a calendar page will be created for each month.
March:The Travelling Space Book Review space bucket story telling activity Students will create a story about space and make a presentation in class and on the board. You can write either English or your own language. The written stories will be scanned and uploaded to the collaborative workspace, and a storybook will be prepared by combining all the stories. Online Meeting
April:Prepare a presentation using the ´emaze´ or ´prezi´ web tools on space technology and pollution to your students Research space-related technologies Augmented/Virtual Reality Activities Activities with Families
May: Evaluate your project activities using the Kahoot application Have an exhibition at your school. Promote your project in your city by using news channels